Let’s Work Together To Achieve Your Ideal Physique


Training has always been a big part of my life for sport performance, health, body image, and overall strength and functionality.
After graduating from the University of Exeter with a Sports Science degree, I made the decision to become a Personal Trainer because I’m passionate about the subject and want to use the knowledge and experience i’ve gained to inspire others to transform their lifestyle.
If you’ve been following a general training program and not seen the results you want, maybe it’s time to get some expert support?
This is where Personal Training comes in! I can help you learn about how your body works and what it needs to achieve your goals!
Begin your journey to the new you now and get in touch!

Chu Physique

BCs Sports and Exercise Science

Achieving this degree has allowed me to further develop my knowledge on the science behind sports and exercise which gives me greater confidence to help train and tackle my clients problems on their fitness journey.

Chu Physique

Sports Conditioning

Learning and understanding sports conditioning helped me switch my training approach to develop my athleticism. I now implement this into my clients training programs for them to become more functional whilst still working towards their training goals.

Chu Physique

Level 3 Personal Training

Becoming a certified personal trainer has enabled me to assist clients and members at the gym.

Chu Physique

ITEC Level 3 Sports Massage Therapist

Becoming a certified sports massage therapist has increased my knowledge of how the body works and how best to treat injuries and pain.

Chu Physique

1st aid

Being a trained first aider gives me the additional confidence to look after my clients in an emergency and handle situations calmly.

Chu Physique


Fully insured for face to face and online coaching personal training.